Book bans and classroom censorship in the final weeks of legislative session

Here is what we’re watching in the South Carolina State House this week. As a reminder, the legislative session is scheduled to end on May 9. 

Ellen Weaver’s book ban policy advancing 

South Carolina lawmakers are considering a regulation (R. 43-170) written by Ellen Weaver's Department of Education that would enable mass censorship of books in school classrooms and libraries. It would create a statewide ban on books that contain descriptions of "sexual conduct" and "excretory functions," ranging from classics to 20th-century masterpieces to contemporary Young Adult novels.  

The House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee will have a chance to amend or stop this regulation on Tuesday, April 23, 2 hours after adjournment of the House in Room 427 of the Blatt Building (1105 Pendleton St., Columbia). 

Please contact members of the relevant House and Senate committees and ask them to stop this regulation. We’ve built a form you can use here: 


We can stop the classroom censorship bill 

A classroom censorship bill, H. 3728, was a hot topic in 2023 but was barely mentioned in the legislature this year – until last week. A conference committee was scheduled for April 18 to work out differences between House and Senate versions of the bill, only for that conference committee to be canceled at the last minute. 

With the end of the two-year legislative session looming on May 9, we are watching to see if and when the conference committee gets rescheduled. In the meantime, we are asking supporters of academic freedom to write and call the six members of the conference committee. Details are available at this page


H. 3728 would forbid teachers to discuss racial and gender inequality, subject them to undue surveillance, burden them with unnecessary complaint processes, and threaten schools with loss of state funding. A conference committee would likely be one of the final stops for this bill before it reaches the governor’s desk. Please keep telling lawmakers that we cannot afford to disrespect teachers when our schools are already in a staffing crisis. 

Repeal the ban: Sign the petition 

South Carolina passed an extreme abortion ban that took effect in 2023, making it illegal to obtain an abortion at a time before most people even know they are pregnant. This policy has already caused chaos and suffering, and we have to fight to repeal it. 

In partnership with our coalition partners at Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic, we are circulating a Repeal the Ban petition. If you haven’t already, please add your name and help send the message that South Carolinians still believe in reproductive freedom. 


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