You might have seen the footage on Instagram of high school students schooling Education Superintendent Ellen Weaver about the potential harms of her proposed book banning regulation at a State Board of Education meeting back in February.
One of the most common refrains we heard in response to those students was, "The kids are alright." And they are! Now the adults have an opportunity to stand up with the students against censorship. This Wednesday afternoon, the S.C. House Education & Public Works Subcommittee will consider a proposed book-banning regulation (download here) written by Ellen Weaver's Department of Education. Please join us if you can and arrive early to sign up for public comments.
WHAT: S.C. House Education & Public Works Subcommittee hearing on a statewide book banning policy
WHEN: Wednesday, April 10, immediately after House adjournment
WHERE: South Carolina State House, Blatt Building
1105 Pendleton St.
Columbia, SC 29201
As written, the regulation would empower teacher harassment organizations to ban books containing "sexual conduct" statewide. Classics, 20th-century masterpieces, and contemporary YA fiction would be on the chopping block. You can read the meeting agenda with a link to the full policy proposal below.
This regulation has already passed the State Board of Education with some positive revisions, but state lawmakers still have the opportunity to make amendments before it takes effect. We'll be there with coalition partners to speak up for the Freedom to Read. Please join us if you can! If you have questions about the hearing, please contact Advocacy Director Josh Malkin at [email protected].