"Legislation." Text appears over an image of the South Carolina State House dome tinted pink and blue.
The 126th South Carolina General Assembly began the first year of its two-year legislative session on January 14, 2025. We've reviewed every bill pre-filed for this session and have set our priorities — what we support and what we oppose. There’s no way that we could prioritize every important proposal that will be debated at the Statehouse; that’s why we work with partner organizations that take the lead on many critical fights.

You can read more about each priority bill below — what the bills do, their current status, and where we stand on each one. Use the Filter Legislation menu to narrow the list down to a single topic.

If you're overwhelmed at the thought of staying informed and engaged on all these issues, you're not alone. We can help. Join our email list at the top of the homepage, check the blog for weekly updates on Mondays during the session, or follow us on social media for updates and action alerts.

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